Move2Improve with Yoga21

A guide to the self discovery of your Breath and Posture for Health and Wellbeing.

Reduce stress and tension into stillness and calm

by tuning into your Breath and Posture.

Does this sound like you?

• You feel tight and stiff around your neck and shoulders.

: You spend long periods of time on a computer, sat at a desk, driving or scrolling through your phone.

• You do your bra strap up at the front and twist it round because your shoulders are stiff.

• You struggle to put your seat belt on and look over your shoulder for traffic when driving.

• You struggle to drain the last drop of wine out of the bottom of your wine glass because your neck is stiff!

What if things could be different?

How amazing would it be if you knew a few simple techniques to make breathing more efficient?

There is no one correct technique for breathing, but there are more efficient ways. In this course, I will show you how to check your breathing pattern and show you ways in which it may be more efficient.

How amazing would it be if you knew how to identify areas of tension in your body that maybe adding to your stress?

Poor positioning and posture can lead to muscle tension, resulting in sore, painful areas in our body. I will show you how to identify areas of tension with a simple body scan technique.

How amazing would it be if your posture improved resulting in less shoulder and neck stiffness?

Negative patterns of movement and positioning can result in joint stiffness and loss of range. This course will show you a few simple exercises that may help in relieving joint stiffness and less shoulder/neck discomfort.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

Many people feel sore and stiff after prolonged sitting, either at work or driving. They know that they need to move regularly, but often forget and hours have gone by before they realise that they haven't changed their position. Breath holding and dysfunctional patterns of breathing can have an affect on how we are feeling, and we may not be aware of patterns that we may have. Are you holding your breath as you read this?

As an Allied Health Practitioner who has worked in the area of Human Movement for 28 years, I have supported hundreds of people in how to move and breathe more efficiently.

Over the last few years, we have seen a big change in how people are working. Many are now working from home, maybe less active than they were previously or have changed the type of exercises that they were previously doing.

I want to show you how you can really tune into your body, become more breath aware and realise how you can use your breath to help with improving your Health and Wellbeing. I also want to show you how Breath and Posture are linked and teach you some hints, tips and exercises that may help you feel less stiff and be able to drink that last drop of wine from your glass!

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

A guide to the Self discovery of your Breath and Posture for Health and Wellbeing.

This online course consists of five modules which can be done at your own pace. Topics include: An Introduction to Breathing (there's more to it than you may think!) The Mechanics of breathing with a focus on the Nose (learn to have a healthy respect for your snozzer!).

The Muscles Of breathing and Posture. How to do a body scan for tension. Exercises to help with reducing muscle stiffness and improved Posture.

Here’s what you’ll get when you join the course:


Five Presentation Modules.

Topics include:

An Introduction to Breathing

The Mechanics of breathing with a focus on the Nose.

The Muscles Of breathing and Posture.

How to do a body scan for tension.

Exercises to help with reducing muscle stiffness and improved Posture.

Value: $250


A Companion Workbook + Breath and Posture check list.

The workbook is to be used as a companion to the content included in the presentations. It also includes hints and tips on how you can include incidental exercise into your daily routine.

The Breath and Posture checklist is to help you keep a check on your Breath and Posture and prompt you to move every 20 minutes.

Value: $50

A total value of: ($300)

Buy now for just USD $85(includes 20% discount )

“I love how we don't just practice, but learn so much".

“Thanks for sharing your skills, I feel so much better."

“Thank you! I didn't realise how much I was holding my breath at times and how much tension I was in. I can now tune into that myself and know what to do to help release it".

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Due to the digital nature of this course, refunds are not available following purchase. If you have any questions or concerns following your purchase, please email me and I will try and assist you.

Thank you.

Please note that the content in this site is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.


" Breathe in... Breathe out. What else is there to know?"

Plenty! There is no one correct way of breathing, but there are more efficient and effective patterns of breathing. Breathing affects many body systems and this course will give you a little taster of just how fascinating it is.

" I don't have much time to focus on my own Health and Wellbeing I'm so busy either working or looking after the family."

That's OK. A quick self check of your breath and posture takes minutes and you can do it anywhere. Small steps towards looking after yourself now can really help with your health further down the track.

"I can just google information on breathing and posture and get everything I need to know from there"

You can do that, but the knowledge I have built up over the years is evidence based with hours of training with clinicians who are specialised in their field of practice. I am really fortunate to have access to these specialists and can't wait to share some of this knowledge with you.

© Copyright 2022 Move2Improve with Yoga21